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Membership Interest Form

Interested in becoming a PLG member or service volunteer?

Basic Requirements for Active Membership

  • Submit the membership interest form for Executive Board review/approval 

  • Attend 5 monthly meetings

  • Pay membership dues by the required deadline

  • Volunteer at a minimum of one (1)  PLG event

  • Serve on a minimum of two (2) PLG standing committees 

Membership Benefits

  • Voting privileges at all association meetings 

  • Admission to all PLG sponsored events

  • Inclusion in all PLG extracurricular activities

  • Discounts on PLG apparel

How to Volunteer as a Service Member

  • Submit the membership interest form for Executive Board review/approval

  • Select which standing committees (events) you are interested in

  • Participate in the committee's event planning activities (you will be contacted by the PLG Committee Chair for those specific events). 

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